Skoy Cloth スコイクローズ 17cm×20cm
Skoy クロスは、ペーパータオル、スポンジ、雑巾、ディッシュクロスなどの代わりに使用できる画期的なクロスです。ヨーロッパ製のSkoyクロスは、キッチンやバスルームだけでなく、オフィスやガレージなどの清掃、洗車やアウトドア、キャンピングでも大活躍!
Skoyクロスは、天然のコットンと木質系セルロースパルプから作られているため、100%生分解され土に戻るユニークなアイテム。独自のコンポストテストの結果、Skoy クロスは、なんと5週間で完全に分解されました!
SDGsの視点から作られたSkoyクロスは、たったの1枚で一般家庭でペーパータオルを15ロール使用することに相当。ペーパータオルは1巻あたり約200円と高価なため、Skoy クロスはお財布にも環境にも優しい選択!
The Skoy Cloth is an innovative cloth that comes in an array of colors and designs and takes the place of your paper towels, sponges, rags, dishcloths, and more. It is a European-made product and 100% biodegradable when properly composted because it is made from natural cotton and wood-based cellulose pulp. The Skoy Cloth is a chlorine-free, unbleached, and non-GMO product using water-based colors and inks. After an independent composting test, Skoy Cloth broke down completely within 5 weeks. The Skoy Cloth is a durable product due to the reusability factor and can last months. Using a Skoy Cloth is equivalent to using 15 rolls of paper towels in an average home. With the high cost of paper towels, as much as $2 per roll, Skoy Cloth is the obvious choice for your wallet and the environment.
The Skoy Cloth has an absorption factor of 15x its own weight. As a result, producing the most superior cloth product available. Imagine using 15 sheets of good-quality paper towels at once… This is how a wet Skoy Cloth will feel in your hand.
The Skoy Cloth is long-lasting because of the wash-ability feature. It dries quickly, so it is not a breeding ground for bacteria. Have you ever used your sponge, then smelled your hand and it reeked of horrible bacteria? That will never happen again if you microwave your Skoy Cloth regularly. It is also dishwasher and washer/dryer safe. Cleaning your Skoy Cloth will keep it healthy and germ-free.
Our factory is aware of the responsibility for handling its resources carefully. We use renewable raw materials such as cellulose (derived from wood), and cotton to produce our Skoy cloths. Our factory has invested heavily in developing and implementing an integrated environmental recycling and disposal facility in which the economical use of energy and water is first and foremost. Production by-products are purified and recycled as far as possible within the process. Regeneration baths are returned to production by an evaporation process. Wastewater is treated at the site’s biological wastewater purification plants. This environmental concept is at the vanguard of operations-related environmental policy and has resulted in our factory becoming a reference company throughout the industry.
Note: Make sure to wet your Skoy Cloth when microwaving for the best effect and to avoid fires.